The dangers of being a Sugar Baby

Sep 22, 2022

Whenever we are faced with a decision, no matter the subject, we must always consider the negative aspects and the things that might be putting us in a dangerous situation.

Being a Sugar Baby implies such a moment, when you must think of the pros and cons, of the positives and potential dangers that may occur while doing the Sugar job. Because everything we do comes with a level of risk, but it’s up to us to make an educated decision and decide if we can handle that risk if we are ok with it and so on.

Being a Sugar Baby means accepting a contractual type of relationship, where the terms of the Sugar Arrangement are clearly stated between the Sugar Daddy and the Sugar Baby. Sugar Babies are the perfect girlfriends, with all the benefits that a girlfriend may bring, but without the hassle brought by a traditional relationship.

When starting your career as a Sugar Baby, always have in mind that in this arrangement everyone is equal, so you should hold your head up high and don’t be afraid to set boundaries, say “NO”, say “STOP” when you feel uncomfortable, refuse to do something that was not agreed in advance, be aware of the red flags and exit the arrangement when they appear – he is being disrespectful, is being over-controlling, pushy, disrespects you, don’t respect your boundaries and rules and so on.

So, MUTUAL RESPECT and EQUALITY are the key to a heathy Sugar Dating arrangement between a Sugar Baby and a Sugar Daddy. If you feel like one of these two is not being met, don’t be afraid to end the arrangement and even ask for help if you think help is needed!

Here are the things to have in mind when starting your career as a Sugar Baby, to keep things on the safe side and avoid dangerous situations:

Work with someone that you trust

Always choose a Sugar Dating website that has good credentials, is trustworthy and has good quality content. Check out the website, how it looks, how the profiles of the other Sugar Babies and Sugar Daddies look, check for reviews and try to get in touch with other Sugar Babies to hear about their experiences, use the contact form to ask all the questions you might have about the services provided by that particular website, read all the information posted on the website carefully to understand all the aspects of Sugar Dating and so on.

Negotiate the terms of the Sugar Dating relationship

In order not to put yourself in a dangerous situation, make sure that you take about all the terms of your collaboration, all the expenses that the Sugar Daddy should cover, his expectations, your expectations, things that are definite no-no’s for you and boundaries.

Stay confident and know your rights

As a Sugar Baby you have equal rights as the Sugar Daddy, so don’t let him put you in a position of inferiority, or dominate you in any way, because there’s just a small step from that to a toxic relationship where you get played and manipulated. Every time something is happening in a different manner than you’ve agreed, make sure you say it and get back on the discussed path. If something seems to much, if he is not holding his part of the agreement, if you’re no longer comfortable with the Sugar arrangement, make sure you say it, change what bothers you or exit the relationship.